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Marcelo Guimarães Lima - interview by film maker and poet Kevin Andrew Heslop at Parrot Artães-lima-in-dialogue-with-kevin-andrew-heslop Marcelo Guimarães Lima, PhD, MFA, is a visual artist (drawing, painting, printmaking), writer and teacher. He directs the Núcleo de Artes do Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas Armando de Oliveira Souza (São Paulo). He taught History of Art and Studio Art at the University of Illinois (USA), Goddard College (USA), American University in Dubai (UAE); and, as visiting faculty at, among other institutions, the Art Institute of Chicago (USA), Universidad Internacional de Andalucia (Huelva, Spain), Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), DePaul University (USA), Canadian University of Dubai (UAE). As a Fulbright recipient he worked at the art studios of the University of New Mexico. He was a visiting artist/scholar at Stanford University and at Rutgers University. He has published articles and essays in English, Portuguese, French and Spanish on themes related to contemporary art, the history of art, art educatio

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